Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Excuses are like feet...."

Okay, I orginally was going to give you a bunch of excuses of why I have fallen out of 'bloggy land.' From tissue paper state flag projects to an 11 page research paper, or farm town and face book; I decided after catching up on all of your blogs, and quoting Rex from Toy Story,
"I have guilt... " Excuses are like feet they all stink!!
I have missed my bloggy friends, believe it or not!
I have missed a friend who has lost 50 lbs,
another has lost a loved one,
another has written a book,
another started student teaching,
one is on vacation in Disney,
and another had a rock thrown through her master bed room window in the middle of the night!
I have missed Chanelle's Thrify Thursdays and my neices and nephews running a 5k for school.
I promise to not let time be to long before you hear from me soon. We are on fall break now, and I am off to paint base boards! (gotta love year round school)


Grandma a/k/a Kathy said...

It's great to see you back! Bloggy land has been lonely.... :-)

jessica said...

I noticed your absence and I am so glad to see you are back!

Janalee Hubbard said...

I'm reading blogs tonight to get my mind off of today's events. Maybe I need to get on facebook more so we can visit there too. Hope you had a safe trip back! We miss you already.

jessica said...

We started out with LDS but our birthmom was working with All For Love Adoption Agency. That agency found us on an adoption website and contacted us. If we wanted the baby we had to switch over to them. They are a private agency out of Utah ran by three women. They lied to us and told us consent had been signed when it hadn't. We didn't know that until we were in South Carolina...and that was how the mess all began.

Unknown said...

Aw, thanks for visiting me! I enjoyed your lab story and you are right: Labs are the most friendly, sweetest of creatures. I'm sure if we had to stitch Daisy's nose, she would be patient about it too.

Unknown said...

What a precious blog layout. Love it! Thanks for visiting my blog.

Happy blogging!